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Liberal Arts

Student testimonials

At Exeter, lecturers are innovative and enthusiastic, even at 9am on a Monday morning! I can book office hours with any academic to discuss something that interests me, which is unique to Exeter. It’s a system that opens a two-way corridor of communication, so that whatever excites you in a field of research, be it scientific discoveries, or global literature, you’ve got someone equally (if not more) fired up to chat with about it!

The University has been amazing in helping support my personal interest in Asia and the Chinese language by suggesting out-of-term projects that I can apply to and facilitating University exchanges and links.  The staff follow up on (my large number of) queries, helping direct me to different pathways within the University, my personal tutor is always on hand to help me with references and tutors are no more than a door knock away for me to discuss any ideas I have to broaden my horizons.

Read more from Charlotte


Undergraduate student

Exeter has recently invested heavily in almost all areas of the University, be it accommodation, sports and academic facilities, or the network of support for students. The members of staff are clearly passionate about what they do, ditto the students. For these reasons, I get the sense that the University is moving forward and going somewhere as an institution, which makes it a very exciting place to be.

Coming from London, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from a small city, but rather than feeling claustrophobic there is a great sense of community. Exeter is a beautiful place, you're never far away from beautiful countryside, places of historical interest and lots of hidden corners, great little pubs to take the parents when they visit.

Read more from Tom


Undergraduate student

What is good about doing a Liberal Arts programme?

A Liberal arts programme allows individuals to develop a well-rounded and active sense of the world around them, which is strengthened by training from other departments and disciplines creating this unique ability to view the academic world.

How does a Liberal Arts degree set you up for future study/employment?

It puts you ahead of the competition and allows you to better yourself academically. If you are either pursuing postgraduate education or applying for a job, having a Liberal Arts degree and the experience gives you the opportunity to set yourself from the other applicants.

What is good about our programme at Exeter?

I really like how the modules are set up over the course of three, or four, years; and how every term or year something new is added which was built from the previous terms. Being able to study abroad and thus expand your education and compare what you have been learning in not only another university, but with other students, faculty and staff is a great opportunity.

What advice would you give to a prospective Liberal Arts student?

There are very few degrees where you have a chance to learn skills and gain knowledge on how to view and assess the world around us. You can choose your major and minor subject areas, and with so many available to choose from, in the end your experience will differ from any one of your peers, creating a tailor-made degree.

Read more from Tyler


Postgraduate student